XPONENTIAL Europe: experience tomorrow’s trends in uncrewed mobility live Keynotes, top-flight experts and live demos on a wide range of topics
From 18 to 20 February 2025 XPONENTIAL Europe, Europe’s leading trade fair for uncrewed systems and robotics, will open its doors for the first time in Düsseldorf. A special highlight for trade visitors will be the live demonstrations of the latest technologies by MIRA, Rheinbahn and Quantum Systems. The event will be complemented by a varied conference programme, bringing together international experts, innovators and regulatory authorities from various sectors. XPONENTIAL Europe will also set new benchmarks for the debate about the future of autonomy with its forums, workshops and a start-up zone.

Highlight as a kick-off: EUROPEAN DRONE FORUM – the leading conference for the Drone Economy
Starting already on 17 February 2025, one day ahead of the trade fair, is the 2-day European Drone Forum (EDF) at Congress Center Süd of Messe Düsseldorf. The most important European trade conference for the drone economy is organised by UAV DACH e.V., Europe’s leading Association for Unmanned Aviation and conceptual sponsor of XPONENTIAL Europe. The motto of the event is “Shaping the future: Clearing obstacles to commercial UAS operations in Europe” and it will bring industry, regulatory authorities and researchers together with political decision-makers to jointly chart the course for a sustainably successful future of uncrewed aviation.
The EUROPEAN DRONE FORUM 2025 will address amongst others these topics:
– Technical and conceptual solutions for the safe integration of drones into the European air space
– Enabling framework conditions for ecologically and economically sustainable drone operation
– Consistent interpretation and application of regulatory standards for uncrewed systems in Europe
– Optimal infrastructure for drone and “air taxis” in the air and on the ground
The EDF brings together experts from all segments of uncrewed aviation. The internationally renowned event will provide valuable insights into current and future applications for drones, ranging from rescue services and logistics solutions to securing critical
infrastructure. Forming a key event of XPONENTIAL Europe, the EUROPEAN DRONE FORUM promotes networking and multi-disciplinary exchange within the drone economy and underpins the relevance of the Düsseldorf region as a European centre of the drone economy. For programme and tickets go to: https://www.xponential-europe.com/EDF
XPONENTIAL Europe Conference – a platform for knowledge transfer and innovations
Another highlight of the supporting programme is the XPONENTIAL Europe Conference: the content comes care of the American Association and founder of XPONENTIAL in the US, AUVSI (Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International). The programme sheds light on the latest developments in the field of uncrewed systems in all their dimensions. From 18 to 20 February 2025 this Conference will be another key event of XPONENTIAL Europe addressing a wide spectrum of target groups – from technical experts and engineers to regulatory authorities, end users and start-ups.
Conference overview: looking ahead to the future of uncrewed systems
The conference programme covers a wide array of topics and reflects the current state of the art. International speakers will present trendsetting content that help business, research institutes and regulators navigate a fast-changing technological and regulatory environment. The programme includes sessions on the fields of:
– Air, land, maritime and airspace: cross-industry perspectives for unmanned systems
– Technical research & platform development: Algorithm development, sensor integration, AI and machine learning
– Components, materials and drives: advances made in sensors, energy storage and sustainability
– National security and disaster relief: technologies for public safety and defence
– Guidelines and regulations: current developments and framework
– Supporting infrastructure and operation: physical and digital foundations for unmanned systems
– End-user implementation: use cases, market entry, and ROI
The Conference committee comprises leading experts from various industries such as Michael Bösinger (Head of Technology Innovation Development & Projects, Vodafone), Koen De Vos (Secretary General, GUTMA) and Rob Murray (Chief Innovation Officer, Saab).
Their expertise ensures the Conference not only reflects the current state of the art but also points the way forward for the future of the industry. The XPONENTIAL Europe Conference provides a setting for multi-disciplinary exchange, shares hands-on insights into innovative technologies, regulatory issues and market potentials, and provides guidance for the future of the industry. Further information is available at https://www.xponential-europe.com/conference_overview
Daily keynote as an inspiring kick-off
Each day at 9.00 am – an hour before the trade fair starts – the Daily Keynotes will bring visitors and exhibitors together. High-calibre speakers from industry, research and politics will provide important input here for the following conference sessions. The keynotes create a joint point of departure for the day, stimulate discussion and promote networking across industry borders. Further information at https://www.xponential-europe.com/keynotes
Standards Forum
The Standards Forum is designed to encourage collaboration between the US, the EU and its member states, as well as global standards development organisations and industry, to ensure that standards continue to be a facilitator of new technological developments. The event will foster mutual standard development for uncrewed aerial vehicles with a focus on drones. Key topics include assessment of existing standards, exchange among the stakeholders and promotion of standards collaboration across the globe. Further information at https://www.xponential-europe.com/standards_forum
XPO+ Launcher: curtains up for start-up innovations The start-up area “XPO+ Launcher” offers pioneers in unmanned technologies an exclusive platform to showcase their innovations and unmanned mobility. Start-ups and parties interested in venture capital will find a start-up competition here as well as investor-related content that paves the way for new partnerships and investment. Other target groups such as those interested in cyber security, data management experts, HR developers, and others interested in STEM, AI, platforms and the use of collected data will also get their money’s worth.
For the programme and tickets go to: https://www.xponential-europe.com/start-ups
Innovation Theater
At Stand B46 / Hall 1 visitors and high-tech fans can see the latest technologies by Anarky Labs, Boomerang Carnets, the European Space Agency ESA, DST (Development Center for Ship Technology and Transport Systems), the Fraunhofer Institute and innocam.NRW, Daedalean, HHLA SKY, Riegl, Skeydrone, the Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika) of RWTH Aachen and Deutsche Bahn with Airial UAS, all presented in live operation. Real uses cases and practical demos at the XPONENTIAL Europe Innovation Theater will bring the future within reach. For more information go to https://www.xponential-europe.com/innovation-theater
DRONERESPONDERS Forum: focusing on public safety and disaster relief
The DRONERESPONDERS European Public Safety and Emergency Forum at XPONENTIAL Europe 2025 serves as a central hub for rescue services, safety authorities, and political decision-makers. Centrestage here is drone use for good causes and in such applications as disaster relief, search and rescue missions as well as the protection of critical infrastructure.
The following topics will be in the spotlight on 18 and 19 February 2025:
– Public safety and police operations
– Fire brigade deployments
– Disaster management
– Search and rescue missions
– Humanitarian aid
For programme and tickets go to:
Experiencing uncrewed systems live
In addition to the extensive supporting programme at XPONENTIAL Europe, exhibitors’ live demos will also prove a highlight for visitors. Technology enthusiasts can experience the future of mobility live and hands-on at the trade fair, for instance with the tele-operated shuttle by MIRA, a subsidiary of Rheinmetall. How unmanned mobility can be integrated into local public transit will also be illustrated by Rheinbahn. Live demos show how these technologies make urban transport safer and more efficient. Quantum-Systems will thrill the audience with spectacular drone demonstrations. Visitors will see the latest unmanned arial vehicles in operation – the epitome of precision and efficiency in various applications.
Uncrewed technologies will be in focus at XPONENTIAL Europe held at Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre from 18 to 20 February 2025. For tickets and more information go to www.xponential-europe.com/2130
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