Global Drone Show Market Hit $338.99 Million

SPH Engineering, the leader in drone show technology development, has released the “Drone Show Market Analysis" in collaboration with Duamentes Global Alliance. The study focuses on industry trends, market evaluation, and specifics in the eight most active regions, employed a 3-level methodology including desk research, in-depth expert interviews, and Herfindahl-Hirschman Index*, revealing the dynamic growth and expansion of the drone show market.

The study revealed that the drone show industry is becoming more attractive to new businesses due to easier market entry. Other trends include the close integration of drones with popular technologies such as fireworks and an increasing number of drones per show with innovative software development.

The drone show industry reached a significant milestone, with the global market value hitting $338.99 million. North America leads with $84,151,881, Europe at $66,193,384 and the Asia Pacific region at $15,189,100. The report highlights city governments as the largest customer segment (18%), followed by commercial companies (15%) and the sports sector and festival operators, each at 9%. Based on the value of vendor solutions and the number of solutions delivered to different providers, total vendor revenue worldwide was $84.36 million (for all years).

The report reveals several key insights:

– Regional Market Distribution and Growth: North America leads the market, accounting for 34% of all shows, followed by Europe at 16%, and the Asia Pacific region, including China, contributing 12% and 7%, respectively.
– Market Size: North American market is classified as a low-concentration market, with an HHI of 935. In contrast, the Indian market exhibits characteristics with the highest HHI of 9862.
– Average Drone Show: In China, an average drone show is the most expensive ($114 564) and the most extensive in terms of the average number of used drones (660). India is leading with a maximum of 3500 drones per 1 show. In contrast, Europe ($ 42,034) ranks second cheapest drone shows among eight major regions after Latam ($25,550).
– Customer Segments: Europe stands out for the number of shows tailored for Art Festivals (13%), North America (12%), and India (13%) for sports events, while in Latam and UK, the commercial sector takes the lead with 20% and 19%, respectively.
– Vendor Market Insights: About 90,000 drones are active globally, with 28% of them powered by Drone Show Software, the leading software in the industry from SPH Engineering.

“The growth of the drone show industry is a testament to its increasing popularity and the innovative potential it offers,” said Alex Levandovskiy, Head of Drone Show Technologies at SPH Engineering. “SPH Engineering’s dominant position in the market is affirmed, being the leading vendor in North America, Latin America, and Europe. Our Drone Show Software powers 28% of the approximately 90 thousand drones in the market, reinforcing SPH Engineering’s leadership and innovative contributions to the drone show industry.”
Additionally, the report explores the integration of drone shows with fireworks, revealing that 6% of drone shows are integrated with fireworks. This trend towards integrated services is expected to grow, indicating a broader range of applications within the drone show industry.

In conclusion, the future directions for the Drone Show Services and Solution Market initiative include exploring the integration of drone shows with other forms of entertainment and expanding the scope of research to capture a wider range of applications and technological advancements in the industry.

„Our mission is to empower organizations with actionable insights that drive positive change and growth. We are proud to partner with SPH Engineering and uncover the latest industry data and drone show market dynamics,“ stated Ksenia Sternina, Managing Partner, Duamentes Global Alliance.

To learn more, visit DSS Website and download the full Drone Show Market Analysis report.

About the Research

Drone Show Market Analysis was powered by SPH Engineering and developed by Duamentes Global Alliance in June 2024, covering Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, MENA, the UK, China, and India. The study methodology encompasses desk research analyzing around 1000 drone shows across 62 countries, over 1,000 publicly available sources—including industry data, expert reports, and media coverage, and over 150 reviews and in-depth interviews with key industry stakeholders across 8 regions. *The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) is utilized to assess market concentration by evaluating the size of firms in relation to the overall industry.

The findings presented in this research are based on available data and methodologies at the time of publication. Factors such as market fluctuations and new developments may impact the accuracy and relevance of the analysis over time.

About SPH Engineering

SPH Engineering is an expert in drone technology development, providing UAV software solutions, integration services, and custom development to advance drone applications for surveying, data collection and processing, and entertainment.

About Duamentes

Headquartered in the UK, Duamentes Global Growth & Strategy Alliance harnesses market insights, propels sustainable scaling, and boosts revenue streams.

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